Saturday, 4 August 2012

My developmental task progressing...

Hello........I was really impressed on my son's development  after he have shown the significant improvement! He is able to write A, B C at his age, He is THREE years old and i saw he can write! Thank you so much to Teacher Jenny, Teacher Sandy and other teachers at  VistaKinderWorld Montessori team.Mommy is soo happy with your school performance and you must keep it up, ok?I really hope that he will do great in future.From what i've read, parents need to set sometime aside everyday to read to your child.I am not able to do this everyday actually but in kindergarten they have a story-telling session,hope this would help either.Experts says that try to dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to this activity.
The objective is that you read a story or tale which the child can listen to and enjoy.Recent research has demonstrated that when children have the opportunity to share these moments with their parents they develop comprehension, acquire more vocabulary, and it becomes easier for them to start speaking more clearly and at an earlier age than those children whose parents don't read to them also making reading together a habit can be an important element in building a good relationship between parents and children.So we must do it! Happy Reading!!

                                           He's seriously writing -it's homework from teacher...

   Ipin is his best friend forever...

Fareez & Ipin at his room...

Fareez's books...

Reading time...

Spinnable words...

Another story....

His fav Mc Queen car...

All his stuff...

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