Wednesday, 9 May 2012

An article shared by Heera on "regrets"

Holla, I just wanted to share with you the newsletter from Heera's Training & Consultancy on ‘Regrets of the Dying’ article that we have shared which I found to be really, really insightful too. The writer of the article had worked for many years in a hospital, dealing with dying patients and in the article writes about the most common regrets these people had.

We all have our personal regrets in life?”Am i right?The same question Heera asked. I am most certain the answer would be yes for most people. Regrets are I think part and parcel of life; the big difference is that some people have more and some have less. I think it would be good to strive to be in the category of those having less.“What would you do with your life if you knew you couldn’t fail?” This is a very profound question indeed and I am most certain that you would have done many more things with your life if you knew that failure was not an option. The main thing that held you back was the fear of failure and the fear of getting out of your comfort zone. Ironically it is this very reason that is the cause of your regrets. My view is that “it would be better to have tried and failed rather than to have not tried at all”. Failure always teaches you more than success ever will. If you never try, you would never know if you could do it. And if you never fail, then you would never learn how to make it right. In both instances, it is most certain that you would have less regrets.Heera have points out some ways that we could do or to help us on reducing regrets in life.Continue reading..

Some ways to reduce our regrets:
a. Do it now. Don’t procrastinate. Take that holiday, see the world. Go places you haven’t been before. Do things you haven’t done before. Don’t wait.

b. Do what makes you happy. Never, ever postpone happiness. You only live once, and it would be a tragedy if you were never happy in that one life.

c. Stop complaining. There will never ever be enough money, there will never ever be a right time, and there will never ever be the right situation etc. Life is about treading into the unfamiliar with many factors unknown.

d. Just do it! In many cases, the best approach to overcoming fear is to just close your eyes and to take that jump. You might get nervous and even terrified, but once you’ve jumped, you may pleasantly discover that all the ‘big monsters’ you anticipated were merely shadows.

And now back to the article, ‘Regrets of the Dying’. There is one key difference between the regrets of the dying and the regrets of those still living. The dying do not really have time left to correct their mistakes or to do new things. The living on the other hand do. Hence I do hope that all of you will take action now to reduce the items in your list of regrets. Time is passing and will not wait. Do it now!!

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